Founded by Jacob Finney & Kevin Tyler Jepperson , The SDBG name originally started as a live streaming group called a FAM on a livestreaming site Jake used to host on, The movement started as Smokey Da Bear Gang , A group that advocates against Pedophilia, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, and BS, Users that should not be on apps, Fakeness, Moving forward the name decided to go a different direction with the same values today which is now seen as SDBG STUDIOS read the bios for more info about the founders

jacob Finney - chairman

( Founder and music artist) Former Contracted Comedian at Up live Known as Smokey D Bear, Former Live me Comedian, Artist P-stubbz801, Started Writing rap's at Early 15 IN A HALF YEARS old, Back in high school while messing around in class not doing much of his classwork, he always dreamt of being heard in the public, running his own establishment being a leader of the movement, he originally started under the name pumpkinstubbz, attempted to brand himself at the time back than as Romulan Goo Ent ( non existent entity) He took a massive long break from the music community from 2012, he let alcohol get the best of him and was working on discovering the reality of life, 2021 He starting slowly jumping back in the scene by setting up an event for his 27th birthday, performances by J-tek The Utah Konnect , That even motivated him to get back into music and invest in a home recording studio again, started over again, he also eventually ended up going into a controversy with a live streaming app he was on at the time with one of the biggest investors of the app, Ended up dropping a Call Em Out Classic Called The One & Only Produced By DJ Hoppa, He made a interactive lyric video of the diss track ended up getting banned from the app for cyber bullying even know it's a song against bullies, Moving on 2022 P-stubbz is in progress working on his first record West Koast Influence LP, SDBG Studios Established as an LLC, there is more slowly in the works , Biggest Influencers , 2Pac (RIP) , Garth cultiVader (RIP) BLIMES, Reverie, Futuristic, swizzz, Tech N9ne,potluck and more 

kevin tyler Jepperson - President

(Co Founder/st operations) New to getting involved in the Music Scene, Jake & Tyler knew each other since they were kids He didn't get involved in the SDBG STUDIOS until late 2021, He is the Manager/2nd Owner of the Company HE IS ALSO THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY HE FUNDS THE LABEL ,His favorite Music is Muck Sticky, Rittz, Tom Macdonald, Having the common vision he will be involved with sdbg studios generations to come

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